A to Z of Successful Expatriation™: K is for KINDNESS

Acts of kindness are something that we probably engage in on a daily basis.  We are used to being kind to our family members, our friends, strangers in need, stray animals, the environment, etc, etc etc.  Being kind towards others gives us a good feeling.  Yet how often do we extend these acts of kindness towards ourselves?

I decided to dedicate the letter K in this A to Z of Successful Expatriation Series to kindness to yourself precisely because very often we don’t know how to be kind to our own, sometimes fragile, selves.  Especially as expats – when we go through more change and learning every time we move than most people do in their lifetimes – we tend to push ourselves really hard.  We often expect to be fast and perfect in learning the culture and the language; in adjusting and bringing normalcy to our families in a completely different environment; in garnering that feeling of belonging; in excelling at work; in finding work; in creating relationships and friendships, in… this list can go on and on.  And when we find ourselves to be less than perfect and less than fast (incidentally our saboteurs never let us think we are good enough), we embark on a journey of self-criticism, self-pity, and declining self-esteem.

When that happens, take a step back and think: Am I being kind to myself?  What would be different now if I decided to swap criticism for kindness?  How would that feel?

Being kind to yourself doesn’t mean giving up on whatever you’ve set your heart to do and be.  It just means giving yourself some space, a supportive shoulder, and a lot of positive energy to continue your journey.

What have been your acts of kindness to yourself recently?

For all the letters in the A to Z of Successful Expatriation™ click here.

And remember to check out our on-line courses on Culture Shock, Expat Know-How and on Cross-Cultural Training at the Global Coach Center Academy!

Copyright © 2010 by Global Coach Center.  If you’d like to reprint this, please do so but make sure you credit us (with a live link)!

2 responses to “A to Z of Successful Expatriation™: K is for KINDNESS

  1. Reminding myself that my relocation is a major transition and that takes time. Making more time to be creative and to visit museums and galleries.
    Thanks for the reminder to be kind to ourself!

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