Celebrating International Women’s Day by remembering important women around the world

by Margarita

I wanted to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day of the 8th of March International Womens Dayby remembering women’s contributions to humanity. Since I cannot know of every woman out there, I am simply going to start this list and I am asking you to contribute the names you want to in comments!

In no particular order:

Louisa May Alcott

Author of Little Women and many other works — and a favorite writer for many young women and girls.

Susan B. Anthony

The 19th century women’s movement’s most powerful organizer. Together with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s right to vote.

69–30 B.C.

Queen of Egypt and the last pharaoh. During her reign, Egypt became closely aligned with the Roman Empire.

Marie Curie:

The first woman to win a Nobel Prize (and she won it twice) and the first woman to earn a doctorate in Europe.

Indira Gandhi:

As the leader of India, Indira Gandhi was an influential figure for Indian women as well as for others around the world.

Frida Kahlo

A very successful Mexican artist who survived childhood polio and a bus accident that led to seven operations. 

Anne Frank

Author of The Diary of a Young Girl and one of the most known Jewish victims of Holocaust.

Valentina Timoshenko:
First woman in space, cosmonaut and engineer.

Add your contributions in comments and to celebrate women around the world, try to add names from your own country!


One response to “Celebrating International Women’s Day by remembering important women around the world

  1. gulchin1212@yahoo.com

    Hatshepsut was a powerful Egyptian King even though she was a woman they called her king.

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